Abstract submission for oral presentation postponed to Tuesday, March 28

Annual Meeting of researchers using Caenorhabditis elegans
and other nematodes in France

Meeting on April 7, 2023
Workshops on April 6, 2023
Download the abstract book!!

This 24th edition will take place at Sorbonne University in Paris

We'll welcome you on the Campus Cordeliers of Sorbonne University from 9:00 AM.



Speaker and directions


Picture of Oded Rechavi

This year's invited speaker is

Oded Rechavi 

Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel-Aviv University


Meeting organisers: Wolfgang KEIL (Institut Curie), François ROBIN (IBPS) 

Scientific committee: Vincent BERTRAND (IBDM), Arnaud HUBSTENBERGER (iBV), Wolfgang KEIL (Institut Curie), Flora LLENSE (IBPS), Anne PAQUELET (IGDR), François ROBIN (IBPS)

Organization committee: Karen CHAUCAJoris DIENG, Etienne PINARD, Daniel PLURA, Shubham SAHU



WORKSHOPS (on Thursday)

Workshop on fundamentals of C. elegans microfluidics (April 6th 3pm-6pm, Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Paris, max. 15 participants)
  • Presentations on engineering principles for C. elegans microfluidics
  • Do’s and Don’t, Limitations
  • Live demonstrations
Transgenesis workshop, offered by members of the plateforme SEGiCel (April 6th 10am-5pm, participants arrival time until 2pm; LBD-IBPS, Sorbonne University, max. 15 participants): 
  • Fundamentals of C. elegans transgenesis (MoSCII, CRISPR…), and tips and tricks for construct design 
  • Do’s and Don’t, Limitations
  • Hands on practice of injections
Canceled! Opportunities for community funding has been canceled and replaced with a discussion over drinks (April 6th from 5pm –  if you'd like to join, simply contact François by email or phone before 4:30pm!)


The meeting will take place on the Campus Cordeliers of Sorbonne University, in the 6th arrondissement, close to the Quartier Latin. Presentations will take place in the Bilsky-Pasquier Amphitheater, lunch and breaks in the Marie Curie Room, and Posters in the Cloisters. 

The campus is located at 15 rue de l'École de Médecine. 

Public transportation access:

    • Metro: lines 4 & 10 (stop: Odéon)
    • RER B (Luxembourg)
    • Bus: 38, 27, 58 (stop: Rue des Écoles, Odéon)

Beware that RER B/C station Saint-Michel Notre-Dame will probably be closed to the public.

Once on the Campus, follow directions:

Access Map Cordeliers







We are grateful to the sponsors of this meeting:


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